So if you know my family, you know how dang funny they are. Seriously we are all pretty much the same. We all have a little of my moms hard headness, and my dads child like personality. I know we fought like crazy and picked on Tawnya tons. But as we have gotten older, we all are becoming best friends. I have the 4 bestest friends I could ever ask for. Yeah we gossip about each other, and it gets around the family in honestly two mins. We are all looking out for each other and we know it. I love them with all my heart and I could never ask for a better family.

This is my brother Parker. (in the mask) He is the greatest. We have gotten close since he has gotten home from his mission. He is the best, I love hanging out with him and Im so excited for the summer to spend so much time with him. It will be great.
This is my Dad. He is by far the funniest man I know. Sometimes when he gets enough sleep, he just doesnt care what he says. Lately he has picked up swearing...its the best thing ever. If you ask him about it though he will say it isnt true, but you can see that he is lying. Im so happy that I can talk to my dad about everything and everything. He is amazing! love you papa.
This is Shontel. She is the oldest sibiling. And she owns that part well. She is for sure my second mom, always questioning what Im doing. Its the best though, knowing she is looking out for me. When I come home to salt lake she is the first person to call and ask me to hang out. She would do anything to see me. I also love sharing clothes with her.
This is my momma. She is the Mama bear. Period no questions. If anyone is lookin to do harm, you better stay clear of my mom. She doesnt take no ones crap. haha but she is way funny. Smartalec is her middle name. She is so loving and is so much fun. She loves loves getting her brushed. She will even call you on the phone while you are sleeping, and ask you to come up stairs and brush your hair. Haha me and my mom are pretty much the same person. Like mother like daughter is how we do.
Baby bother much. Jake and me put in the same room while we are hyper or even just in a good mood is a deadly mix. We are the funniest kids. haha I think he is my twin born 3 years to late. I love talking about high school with him. I wish he could just skip this whole part of his life though. Its a nasty world. He is a good looking kid, and he knows it. He does not need anyone to tell him he looks like Jacob Black. Its not a true fact. He is also amazing at water polo. I love watching him play.
This is my family and I love them sooo much!
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