Im fully aware that the birthdate of one Jessica Palomino was 17 years and 364 days ago but I have to work tomorrow so haters back off. (aka...kelsie). How is it possible that the most loving person I know is just a baby? She is only turning 18 you know. Im a good 6 months and 20 days older then her. That is a big deal! I look up to her in so many ways. Im also happy that her nickname (pigeon) is super worse then mine (slug). She just lives the life, I dont know anyone who wouldnt want to be living her life right now. And she even knows how to surf. HOLLA! She taught me to be who I am and love every second of my weirdness, cause it makes her laugh. She has a good laugh. Also sometimes she locks me in Sammys room and makes me write no in 10 million different ways. then put them in envolpes and lick them all. haha jerk. On the other hand she did make me like Parker which in turned I started liking tyson. She was always jealous of my relationship with Tyson, you know she only dated him for like 5 mins. Legit over msn. hahahhahah,
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The ones you must love...
So if you know my family, you know how dang funny they are. Seriously we are all pretty much the same. We all have a little of my moms hard headness, and my dads child like personality. I know we fought like crazy and picked on Tawnya tons. But as we have gotten older, we all are becoming best friends. I have the 4 bestest friends I could ever ask for. Yeah we gossip about each other, and it gets around the family in honestly two mins. We are all looking out for each other and we know it. I love them with all my heart and I could never ask for a better family.

This is my brother Parker. (in the mask) He is the greatest. We have gotten close since he has gotten home from his mission. He is the best, I love hanging out with him and Im so excited for the summer to spend so much time with him. It will be great.
This is my Dad. He is by far the funniest man I know. Sometimes when he gets enough sleep, he just doesnt care what he says. Lately he has picked up swearing...its the best thing ever. If you ask him about it though he will say it isnt true, but you can see that he is lying. Im so happy that I can talk to my dad about everything and everything. He is amazing! love you papa.
This is Shontel. She is the oldest sibiling. And she owns that part well. She is for sure my second mom, always questioning what Im doing. Its the best though, knowing she is looking out for me. When I come home to salt lake she is the first person to call and ask me to hang out. She would do anything to see me. I also love sharing clothes with her.
This is my momma. She is the Mama bear. Period no questions. If anyone is lookin to do harm, you better stay clear of my mom. She doesnt take no ones crap. haha but she is way funny. Smartalec is her middle name. She is so loving and is so much fun. She loves loves getting her brushed. She will even call you on the phone while you are sleeping, and ask you to come up stairs and brush your hair. Haha me and my mom are pretty much the same person. Like mother like daughter is how we do.
Baby bother much. Jake and me put in the same room while we are hyper or even just in a good mood is a deadly mix. We are the funniest kids. haha I think he is my twin born 3 years to late. I love talking about high school with him. I wish he could just skip this whole part of his life though. Its a nasty world. He is a good looking kid, and he knows it. He does not need anyone to tell him he looks like Jacob Black. Its not a true fact. He is also amazing at water polo. I love watching him play.
This is my family and I love them sooo much!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
let me explain a little somethin' to ya
I just almost died! I have been looking for my water bottle for like a week and half now (reuseable of course.) well I found it today, under my bed. Did i think to check if it was clean before I used way man! Worst mistake ever.
I opened it up filled it with water and went to take a big drink and smelt the worst smell ever. so I did not swallow, and looked down. My water was white!!!
Then I remembered like 2 weeks ago I filled that bottle up with milk and took it to school. It must of fell out of my back pack and rolled under my bed.
I spit the old milky water back. Now I want to throw up. Never again will I fill that thing up with milk. It is highly possible I have milk poisioning. You are invited to visit me in the hospital, as long as you dont bring me milk.
Welp that is all I have to say...
I opened it up filled it with water and went to take a big drink and smelt the worst smell ever. so I did not swallow, and looked down. My water was white!!!
Then I remembered like 2 weeks ago I filled that bottle up with milk and took it to school. It must of fell out of my back pack and rolled under my bed.
I spit the old milky water back. Now I want to throw up. Never again will I fill that thing up with milk. It is highly possible I have milk poisioning. You are invited to visit me in the hospital, as long as you dont bring me milk.
Welp that is all I have to say...
Friday, February 11, 2011
want what we can not have.
So I have been thinking, why is it that it seems that all we want is what we can not have? I dont know about you but I seem to have a very big problem with it. Its a everyday day problem from boys to friends to shoes. Its unhealthy problem. Shall we go into detail?
Boys- Discouraging much? It honestly seems like I attract all the weirdies, and Im not saying that to be rude, but really. And when a good, cute guy comes around, I get so nervous that I talk. And we all know what happens when I get talking. This is a concern for me because Im scared that im going to be a lonely old lady. I dont think i could handle being a lonely old lady, I can barely handle being a lonely 18 year old.
Friends- Do you ever notice that you spend so much time on being a great friend to people who feel like they dont need to return the favor. Yet your friends that put a great effort into being a great friend, you dont worry about. Shouldnt it be the other way around. My last trip this was what on my mind alot. You can only try so much, and if people dont want to put in the same effort then there is nothing you can do. I have decided not to fret on those people who dont feel they need to worry about returning the favor, and just make sure Im a good friend to everyone.
Shoes- Lets face it, we all want to have our every own pair of black louis vuitton pumps, with red soles, but we just cant seem to find that much cash to buy pair of shoes.
As I thought about all of this today, and knowing my date bailed on me tonight. I was looking dredfully toward a boring friday night. Then I started thinking about everything that I do have that I do want. The list is as followed.
Boys- Discouraging much? It honestly seems like I attract all the weirdies, and Im not saying that to be rude, but really. And when a good, cute guy comes around, I get so nervous that I talk. And we all know what happens when I get talking. This is a concern for me because Im scared that im going to be a lonely old lady. I dont think i could handle being a lonely old lady, I can barely handle being a lonely 18 year old.
Friends- Do you ever notice that you spend so much time on being a great friend to people who feel like they dont need to return the favor. Yet your friends that put a great effort into being a great friend, you dont worry about. Shouldnt it be the other way around. My last trip this was what on my mind alot. You can only try so much, and if people dont want to put in the same effort then there is nothing you can do. I have decided not to fret on those people who dont feel they need to worry about returning the favor, and just make sure Im a good friend to everyone.
Shoes- Lets face it, we all want to have our every own pair of black louis vuitton pumps, with red soles, but we just cant seem to find that much cash to buy pair of shoes.
As I thought about all of this today, and knowing my date bailed on me tonight. I was looking dredfully toward a boring friday night. Then I started thinking about everything that I do have that I do want. The list is as followed.
Amazing family
(serisouly I love my family so much)
Mango sorbert
Love of Cooking
A job I love
Great room mates
An eatting habit of a 3 year old
My dad and grandpa presonality
(i swear we are the funniest people in the family)
the way my friends talk
goals and assperations
my 10,000 best friends
my curly hair
the gospel
letters in the mail
This list could go on. So instead of my date Im having a me night. Filled with yummy food and one light bulb being out in my room. Welp thanks for reading my rant.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
well its been a few days to say the least. haha i spent a wonderful weekend this past weekend. spent tim with good friends, family, and got a bran spakin new job! its going to be a great summer. well here is the pictures for the past couple days.
02/08- abstinence never fails! haha this pencil was in my teachers office today! she is such a classy lady.
02/07- what did we do for fhe tonight? played heart. what is heart? its bingo but it was harder it seemed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
lovely love, a month for love.
So me and my friend kelsie decided to do a picture a day this month! these are my first two days!

feb. dos. this is my wonderful room mate cameo showing off some of her mad bowling skills today at the bowling alley!
feb. dos. this is my wonderful room mate cameo showing off some of her mad bowling skills today at the bowling alley!
feb. uno me in my very favorite free shirt that my dad got at one of his meetings. haha its the best when he comes how with his "presents" and its just free stuff he got at work. love him so much!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
okay so its been awhile....
So I failed when it came to keeping my blog up. Im sorry, please forgive me.
I will update you on my life, but only 2011 version because 2010 is to far away to remember. School is going wonderful. We just had our first and last competion of the year. It was pretty much to see who knows their stuff the best. I think I did really good. We find out the results on thursday. If I won in the school then I will go to state which takes place at SLCC. Richie is getting better. Acctually it is a lot better then the start of this little adventure that I thought I needed to take. I have friends now!! Its a wonderful blessing. They are so great, even though they tease me all the time for being such a youngin. I havent been up to salt lake for a month, and Im pretty sure its the longes I have every gone. I will be heading up there this weekend, and after that I wont be able to go back up til spring break. Which I hope to be able to go see Tawnya cause I miss you and Gavin. Well I will try harder to post things more often. xoxo
I will update you on my life, but only 2011 version because 2010 is to far away to remember. School is going wonderful. We just had our first and last competion of the year. It was pretty much to see who knows their stuff the best. I think I did really good. We find out the results on thursday. If I won in the school then I will go to state which takes place at SLCC. Richie is getting better. Acctually it is a lot better then the start of this little adventure that I thought I needed to take. I have friends now!! Its a wonderful blessing. They are so great, even though they tease me all the time for being such a youngin. I havent been up to salt lake for a month, and Im pretty sure its the longes I have every gone. I will be heading up there this weekend, and after that I wont be able to go back up til spring break. Which I hope to be able to go see Tawnya cause I miss you and Gavin. Well I will try harder to post things more often. xoxo
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