Sunday, November 13, 2011

oh hey there blog

Right this very moment Im sitting in my kitchen with a hair mask in. What is a hair mask you you may ask. Well this one consits of 1 banana, 1 egg, 5 Tspoons olive oil, 3Tspoons honey and 2Tspoon milk. Then you cover and let it sit. Let me tell you, it itches like a mother, AND also its running down my neck!
I just hopes it works. I really want to have health hair, and skin, and teeth and.........any thing else that should be healthy. Health kick? You bet your little bottom. I finally got sick of the typical thinking of "why is she so pretty?" "Why am I not lossing any weight" "why do I look gross".
So I got a trainer, and I started eatting healthy, got a job that I love, and started the quest. You want to hear something wonderfull...... I have lost 5 pounds and counting. I love the way I feel and I love working out. The eatting healthy is kinda hard, but I do work at a bakery. But my goal is 30 punds, and with 5 down I can only wait for the next 25.
I can promise you there is no better comment then when someone asks, "have you been losing weight?". Wham Bam ya feel like a champ right there.
I promise to blog more now. I really dont have a good excuse for my leave of absence, but all that matters is Im back.
Now I got to go wash this ish out!